Sunday, December 18, 2011

"And I'll Never Outgrow The Thrill Of Christmas Day."

This is what it all comes down to. This is the grand explanation for this entire blog.

#8 of 31 Things I Love About Christmas: Christmas Lets Us Stay Kids Forever.

Or at least for 24 hours.

I think deep down, this is the huge draw to Christmas, the deep down emotional attachment to all this Christmas. Christmas is a huge piece of childhood for me. Not so much about the presents, as I never asked for the big headlining items of the day that all the kids asked for. While I can remember what I got most years or look at something and know when I got it, but the magic of it. When you are a child and you believe, the entire season revolves around magic. To have the innocence of youth to truly believe in the whole story is magic that can never be duplicated. Why some people seem bent on taking that away from children is something I will never understand. It's not just the mean older kids on the bus, it is grown adults who want their 6 year-old child to have a firm grip on reality and not believe in silly fairy tales. They got the next 80-90 years to deal with reality. Leave 'em alone.

Christmas awakens all these memories and emotions each and every years. Christmas specials, music, trees, decorations, treats, houses lit up with Christmas lights, egg all fits together. It brings this deep warm happy feeling not only for all the joy in past years, but for all the joy their is and all the joy there will be in years to follow. My family always made a huge deal out of Christmas and all it brings and I know that had a huge influence on me. I deeply look forward to passing that on to our own children one day. Tradition, creating memories and keeping strong links to the past have been hard-wired into to me, whether I like it or not.

My mom to this day, could go Christmas or birthday shopping for me and hit a home run with each gift. Or just a gift for no reason. I always said you could go Christmas shopping for me in a gas station. More or less, I haven't changed from since I was a kid in terms of personality and soul. It was never about the grandness of the gift, it was what it was and why I got it that mattered the most. I never owned a video game system as a kid (got a GameBoy when I was 8 as a 1st Communion Gift from my aunt and got 3 games Tetris, Bases Loaded and Madden '95...never spent a dime on it) and GASP! Never, in my life, have I had a TV to call my own and I don't feel cheated. I do however, have a Paul Stanley (KISS) Mr. Potato Head.

Christmas is happy. Christmas is the embodiment of happiness. It's kinda what I always say about the Grateful Dead (Dave Matthews Band also applies to this statement): If you could hear happiness, it would sound like the Grateful Dead. When people ask me to describe their sound, I can only respond with "happy." Christmas is happy.

Yea. I just managed to connect Christmas and the Grateful Dead.

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